Higher education system in Poland

You can study on public or non-public universities in Poland. There is full-time study system (classes are from Monday to Friday) and part-time study (classes are usually on weekends). As a rule, studies in Poland are chargeable for foreigners. However, if you have the Pole’s Card, permanent residence permit or refugee status or you are an EU citizen, you can study free of charge. If you want to study in Poland, you can apply directly to the chosen university. General terms and conditions of studying and rights and responsibilities of a student you can find in the study regulations available at the university of choice.

The rules of higher education in Poland are presented in the Act of 20 July 2018. – Law on Higher Education and Science (Dz. U. pos. 1668). Public universities are established by a state authority.

Types of higher education

Types of higher education Studies in Poland are divided into a 1st cycle, which confer the professional title of a Bachelor (they last 3-4 years) or confer the professional title of engineer (they last 3,5-4 years). After completion 1st cycle of study, a graduate can undertake a 2nd cycle degree (they last 1,5-2 years) and confer the professional title of Master.

Studies in selected fields of study are conducted as a single master’s degree program and last 4-6 years. Studies of a 3rd cycle are doctoral studies (a master’s degree is needed, they last 3-4 years). Postgraduate studies are an additional form of education for higher education graduates.

Higher education qualifications, achieved after graduation, are assigned a level in the Polish Qualifications Framework defined in the Act of 22 December 2015 on the Integrated Qualifications System (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 986, as amended). First degree diploma confirms a full higher education qualification on level 6 of Polish Qualifications Framework. Second degree diploma and a single master’s degree diploma confirm a full higher education qualification on level 7 of Polish Qualifications Framework.

Education of adultsUniversities/public schoolsUniversities/non-public schools (private)
Post-secondary schoolsFree of chargeIn principle free of charge
1st and 2nd cycle degreeFor polish citizens 1st cycle of full-time studies on public universities is free, part-time
studies are paid;
for foreigners – paid
For polish citizens and foreigners, studies in each cycle and form carried out at non-public university are always paid.
Postgraduate studiesPaidPaid

„Education is a good that nothing can deprive us of”

– Menander